Create Your
New Beginning

Telehealth Therapy for Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Washington State

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”
- Albert Einstein

So much stress at work.

The stacks of papers on your desk, the phone just won’t stop ringing, the boss is a royal pain… and just won’t let up.

You gave up all hope of leaving it all at the office. That sick feeling in the pit of your stomach follows you home.

So much stress at home.

Caring for a loved one at home toward the end of their life is tough.

Smiling on the outside, while inside, you feel cranky, impatient, and sick of the worry and the grind of chores, laundry, meds, meals, cleaning up… and then doing it all over again.

It is nonstop from when you wake up to when you “try” to get to sleep.

All that stress is right there, staring you in the face.

That third glass of wine or that extra pill used to bring some relief, but now all it does is delay the inevitable… the guilt and the shame. Then the anger – because nothing seems to feel right anymore.

No matter how hard you try to quit or to keep up with everything on your “to-do” list, you just can’t keep it all together.

How did life get to this point?

This endless cycle of sick and numb, depressed, and anxious. It’s exhausting.

You feel like all you do is play a sad game of hide and seek to escape from the pain, the worry, the guilt.

The stiff mask of professionalism may hide it from the world, but you know you are in over your head.

And no matter what you do…

… you just can’t seem to get out from underneath this lead weight. You are so sick and tired of the chaos and the grind, day after day.

More drinks, more drugs, more escapes… none of it fixes anything. The endless demands of work, the responsibilities at home…

Everything comes roaring back the next morning.

Everyone wants something from you.

This is a dead end.

No matter which way you turn, if you don’t do something different, then what’s next?

Warnings? Being suspended? Another one of those “This is your last chance” talks with the boss? Losing your license? Getting fired?

And things at home aren’t any better.

Caregiving is hard, really hard.

Your loved one is not going to get any better. The writing is on the wall, and that tears you up inside. But the daily work is so hard that in the meantime, you feel like you are dying inside, too.

Trying your best to cope, in unhealthy ways with negative consequences… the shame and guilt dog your every step, eating you up inside.

The secrets, the excuses, hiding the truth… it’s exhausting, like scrabbling up a dune, dragging a cinder block.

Trying to keep it all together

What happened to owning your own business? Being your own boss? Paying off those loans, or just being able to put a little away each month for that vacation you’ve always dreamed of?

Or maybe caregiving has literally taken the wind out of your sails? You worked so hard to get to this point in your life, take it easy, do some traveling, and wham! You are on call 24/7… not what you had planned for at all.

There’s got to be a better way.

I am here to help you!

You want things to be different. Really. You DO WANT things to be different.

But you don’t know what to do… the old ways and old habits aren’t cutting it.

Let’s rediscover your passion and create the life you intend to live. Even in the most challenging times, we can build habits that help us cultivate some comfort and happiness, no matter how dire the circumstances.

You are ready for a change!

Change IS possible!

Are you ready to embrace the difficulties and create opportunities?

I can help you build healthy habits and re-discover YOU.
Let’s work together to embrace your potential and create your new beginning.

Please call me today at (508) 636-8776 for a FREE 15-minute consultation.

Hi, I’m Elizabeth.

I’ve had a lot of adventures in my life.

Some of them planned, and some of them not at all what I thought I signed up for… wilderness ranger, outdoor educator, beekeeper, truck driver, farmer, lawyer, substance use & mental health counselor… wow! Not exactly a typical career path.

But my professional experiences and my time as the primary caregiver for several family members have given me a deep appreciation of the impact of work and family in our lives and the stress of meeting deadlines and expectations.

And through the toughest experiences, I have learned a lot about cultivating a sense of hope and peace… and ultimately how to find acceptance in what cannot be changed. How to capitalize on the teeniest, tiniest moments of peace or gratitude to create a path to wellness.

I can help you re-discover even the teeniest, tiniest moments of wonder in your life so we can re-create the life and the sense of “you” that you are looking for, without the unhealthy habits or guilt.

If you are ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work, call me! We’ll talk about next steps.